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Captain America Video Games

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Video Game Captain America: Super Soldier - Manufacturer: Sega Console: Nintendo Wii Year: 2011 Recommended ages: 16 + Genre: Action Becomes Captain America, super soldier par excellence, and tackles the army of the Red Skull into this third-person action set in charging the darkest period of World War II. Wield the legendary shield of Captain America to take down enemies from a distance, interact with the environment and repel bullets into your enemies, letting you off the huge castle to save the world from the Hydra nemesis Cap. Shield in hand ready to jump in the fight, hack your incredible feats in the history of the superhero with the powers of the world's first super soldier! Features: Play as Captain America: Fight the enemies who seek to conquer the world in an incredible scene taking shape in the Second World War. Use your powers of super soldier to infiltrate a castle where they nest and destroy the forces of evil Hydra. is not responsible of the link external to this web site