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Ben 10 Video Games

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Video Game Ben 10 Alien Force (For Play Station, Sony PSP, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS) - 5 years have passed since Ben Tennison gave up the Omnitrix, a kind of wristwatch that alters the DNA of the wearer, by transforming it into an alien superpowers. Of his grandfather, however, has mysteriously vanished and the earth is threatened by dark forces. The players will assume the role of Ben 10 to be able to regain the Omnitrix. You'll be able to drive 8 characters, including cousin Gwen, former enemy and ally Kevin Levin and five hours new alien superheroes: Swampfire (Fire Swamp), Jet Ray (Ray Jet) Humungousaur (Umungosauro), Spidermonkey (Scimmiaragno) and Big Chill (Big Chill). This action game has settled many of combos, duels and puzzles to occupy for a long time even the more experienced players. A new story to play into the world of Alien Force.

Video Game Ben 10: Protector of Earth (Nintendo DS, 2007) - At first glance, 10-year-old Ben looks like your average, everyday kid, but upon closer inspection it's plain to see he's the world's youngest action hero stopping evildoers from Earth and space! With the help of the Omnitrix, Ben can transform into heroic alien forms with extraordinary powers. The evil Vilgax, with the help of Kevin 11 and the Forever Knights, has set in motion a plan to capture the Omnitrix and the world is in danger ... Ben 10: Protector of Earth is an exciting game full of familiar characters on a quest to stop Vilgax and save the day!

Video Game Ben 10: Ultimate Alien - Cosmic Destruction (Nintendo DS, 2010) - Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction allows players to wield the power of the Ultimatrix, the strongest Omnitrix to date, to transform Ben into more powerful, hyper-evolved alien forms and experience impressive battles as the most ultimate aliens. Take control of Ben Tennyson and his many alien forms as they journey to iconic worldwide locales, including Paris, Tokyo, China, and Rome, in search of an ancient alien artifact that will help save humanity from a mysterious cosmic storm. Players will wield the power of the all-new Ultimatrix, an upgraded alien watch that transforms Ben into the most powerful, hyper-evolved alien forms ever available in the series. All-new ultimate events will empower players to defeat bosses through stylized cut-scenes and hard-hitting combat interactions, and the upgrade system will allow players to enhance their favorite alien character's strength, speed, defense, and special attacks. is not responsible of the link external to this web site