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Batman Video Games

On this page you will find a series of links to other Web sites, for find Video Games about Batman : games, systems, system accessories, video gaming merchandise, wholesale lots, strategy guides & cheats, replacement parts, tools and others.

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Video Game Batman: Arkham Asylum - Will Batman to capture the Joker, inside of Arkham Asylum, foiling his plans insane criminals, before the madness takes over? Take on the role of Batman and uses his arsenal with hyper batrang, explosive gel aerosol, the Batclaw, sonar and the gun shoots grappling hook. Fight the most evil murderers of Gotham City as The Joker, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc and Victor Zsasz. Be careful to detail, as would the best detectives, with the x-ray scanners, fingerprint reader, and the detector of pheromones..

LEGO Batman Video Game - This game allows you to control the fantastic duo, Batman & Robin, to fight the most terrible and elusive criminals of Gotham City, like the Joker, the Scarecrow, the Penguin and many others. The goal is to stop the criminals including The Joker, Two Fracce and Mr. Free and bring them back to the asylum where do Arham Asylum. It also has the opportunity to enter the story from another side and play as Batman's enemy, and with full control of your powers unleash chaos in the city. There is no rest for the good (and not for evil). The game allows you to play both the roles of Batman, Robin, and those over 12 despicable criminals, all in the form of the characteristic style of LEGO in a multiplayer game also allowed for two players. You used because of the special costumes and superhero fighting techniques derived from it, using gadgets and weapons unique to draw each character, customize and take control of your bat-favorite vehicles like the Batmobile or Batwing. You can also make the scenarios of the game you measure yourself with scoring and awards on various levels .

Batman Begins Video Game (For Game Boy Advance) - The video game Batman Begins again the themes and scenes of the film, with which you can enter the dark and evil world of Gotham City with Batman's famous hero of comics and cartoons . You will discover the origins of Batman and his journey that led him to become the avenger of Gotham City. Behind the secret identity of Bruce Wayne and Batman, you can catch the criminals who hide in the shadows, by serving the skill, of cunning and a wide variety of technological devices, to meet the evil presence that perturb the city . The new system employs a gameplay device, secret moves and not easily identifiable, allowing you to turn the situation to your advantage and go from victim to hunter. The Batman Begins videogame you into the world of Batman as you've never seen before. Following the criminals operating in the dark, players will find new strategies and methods to immobilize the opponent with the anxiety before you engage in close combat, or before an interrogation. From the halls of Arkham Asylum and Gotham City's neighborhoods, to the old monastery in the Himalayas. The Batman Begins videogame brings you into an exciting adventure, the result of the revision of the history of the Dark Knight and Batman Begins, directed by Christopher Nolan. is not responsible of the link external to this web site