Beauty and the Beast
Video Games
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Beauty and the Beast - The Magic Ball (For PC) This
video game dedicated to the protagonist of one of the most
beautiful animated fairy tales of Walt Disney, will allow
you to enter the atrium of the castle and be greeted by
Belle and Lumiere Tockins, which will show you how to run
all the games: The Beauty of Dance , The tea table Mrs.
BRIC Tockins The library and the desk of Fine. In the belle
of the ball game, you help Belle has prepared a surprise
party for the Beast. First will have to choose her dress
for the ball, then the instruments for the orchestra and
musicians. You can also choose the type of pitch the ball
and finally the style for the decoration of the hall. Once
you're all, Belle and the Beast will begin to dance in the
living room and, based on your customizations. The tea table
in the game of Mrs. Bric you lend a hand to the teapot Mrs.
BRIC to make cakes and food for the surprise party. Clicking
on the plates placed on the shelves of the cupboard, you
can prepare four dishes for each course, dropping the plates
on the placemats, the difficulty is the fact that the table
rotates continuously.
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