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The young Emperor Kuzco is spoiled and arrogant to the point that the village head called Pacha, to evict his family, as it now stands where his house will be built his new royal residence. Pacha is not seeking in any way to change their minds the emperor, but to no avail. Meanwhile the witch collaborator Kuzco, by a strange alchemical concoction, it turns into a blade and sends him away from the city, so she can finally take the throne of the emperor. Kuzco meets randomly Pacha to him and he will dissolve the spell that imprisoned the king. Then begins the journey of returning to the palace in which, the bully Kuzko understand the importance of friendship and trust.

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Emperor's New Groove Classic Storybook by Disney HB

World of disney Emperor's New Groove

This is a sample list, about the type of items that were published.

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