Drones" is an animated sci-fi horror comedy web series created
by Liam Vickers and produced by Glitch Productions. Set on
the post-apocalyptic planet Copper 9, where the human population
has been wiped out, the story follows the Worker Drones, abandoned
robot workers. The protagonists are Uzi, a rebellious teenage
robot, and N, an optimistic Murder Drone sent to eliminate
the Worker Drones. The main plot revolves around the Worker
Drones' struggle for survival against the Murder Drones sent
by the interstellar corporation JC Jenson. Armed with a railgun,
Uzi decides to confront the Murder Drones. During a confrontation,
N suffers temporary amnesia and starts seeing Uzi as a teammate,
forming an unexpected alliance with her. Together, they face
various dangers threatening their existence, including their
own fellow Murder Drones. The series is known for its dark
but humorous narrative style and has achieved great public
success, with millions of views and a wide range of merchandise